Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Arsenal

Left to right: China Glaze: Recycle, OPI : You Dont Know Jacques!, OPI: Barefoot In Barcelona, OPI: Manicurist Of
Seville, OPI: Hey Vito, Is My Car Red-y?

Last year when I was in Arizona visiting my grandparents, I made my annual pilgrimage to downtown Phoenix to visit my fabulous friend, Alyson. Whenever we are together we have the greatest time and I wonder how we are ever able to survive a full year without each other. This past winter when I came by for my visit I quickly realized the wonder that is OPI nail polish, specifically, "Over The Taupe". I saw Alyson a number of times over my visit and every time I made her tote her Nail polish with her for constant touch ups. I was in love.

Since getting home from that trip I have scoured beauty shops top to bottom for my shade of choice... all to no avail. I was able to find one similar, "You Dont Know Jacques!" that is now a staple in my world. I suppose everyone has a beauty secret to feeling like a million bucks, mine just happens to be the wonder of OPI nail polish!
Thanks so much to my lovely Alyson for introducing me to these loyal friends. Never before have I thought much about putting any time into my rather menial beauty routine, but let me tell you there is nothing like a good painted nail to make you feel put together! Hey, just dont forget your top coat!

1 comment:

  1. I love nail polish as well. I had a giant box when I was in Jr. High. lol. I was a little too obsessed back then. Now I only have a few colours. I am in love with the first two in your photo though! I might have to search them out.
